I feel like growing up in this 'microwave generation' of ours patience is grossly underestimated.
I myself could have been in better situations throughout my life had I practiced patience. I hope to one day become a published author and some days I wish that one day was today but I know that nothing comes overnight and Rome was not built in a day. Yes, I know all of these phrases seem cliche but there is a whole lot of truth to it.
This kind of goes back to one of my old blogs. 'What are you doing about it?'
If you are not working towards your dreams everyday, you do not have a right to complain.
I may not be a published author today, this year, next year or even the following year but I am laying the ground work for it and even if it never happens, I can say I tried.
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the things you did do.
Practice patience.