Friday, December 30, 2016

Vision Board

Today I'm going to show you how to create a vision board and the importance of it! DO NOT GO INTO 2017 WITHOUT A VISION AND PLAN!

Vision Board
My Personal Vision Board
A vision board is basically a collection of images of your long term or even short term goals. You can get these images anywhere from online to magazines etc. Your vision board should be placed somewhere that you can see everyday; For example, mine is directly across from my bed. I purchased my board in Walmart for $10.00. I believe it was meant to be more of a memo board, a place you can stick concert tickets etc but that's not the plans I had for it LOL So basically you can use anything, from a kids project board to any board you find that can function for this purpose, like I did. Since my vision board is small I only put my biggest long term goals but feel free to fill yours with how ever many photos you like.

On my board you'll find a bag of money, I do not care to be rich but I want to be financially stable one day and not have to live check to check, comfortable in a nutshell. Love, personally I feel like all the relationships or "situationships" (as I like to call them) that I've been in so  far in my life, I loved or was more invested in the guy than they were in me so I want a real love. Princess cut engagement ring, I fell in love with this ring, simple yet elegant and I hope my future husband takes the hint when he sees it on my vision board! LOL ^_^ A girl child, I know, I know all I should want is a healthy child but I want a healthy girl! LOL At least for my first child. No alarm clock, one day I hope to be completely self employed where I can afford to wake up whenever I want and not have to partake in this rat race of the 9-5. Dream car, I don't necessarily need that particular vehicle but I do want a white car with red interior, completely paid off. Vacation, I love to travel and I think I've traveled quite a bit for someone with my income but there is so much more I want to see and can't because I'm limited to 2 weeks vacation a year. Traveling is one of the best ways to learn about different cultures, foods, people etc. Lastly, my own home, the American dream! This really doesn't require much explanation but I grew up in the projects and my Mother and I are doing better now but I want to do even better for my future children. 

So you see, you can make your vision board about anything important to you but it is vital to see your dreams in front of you daily. You will eventually grow tired of seeing it on a board and make it a reality! Remember..

"People don't win because they don't bother."  -Dave Ramsey

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