Sunday, March 19, 2017

Destiny: Following Your Dreams

I went out for drinks Friday night with my boyfriend then we got hungry so we stopped in at a BurgerFi. There we began speaking to this 17 year old employee about life. It got me thinking, I wish I knew someone like me when I was that age.

He told us that his mother wants him to go to college because she never went and he did not think that was the path for him. I could relate to this kid 100%. I went to school because my mom wanted me to, I joined the military because my dad wanted me to. What about what I want to do?

Modeling and fashion was always my first love but telling your island parents that you want to model for a living is like telling them you want to be a prostitute, they did not want to hear it. So I tried it my parents way and it was unsuccessful. School didn't work because I kept switching my major unsure of what I would be okay with doing for the rest of my life. Military did not work because if you know me, you know I am a woman who likes to stand out and it goes without saying there is no standing out in the military. 

So here I am at 26, not completely satisfied with the career path I chose but I'm good at it so I don't hate it either and I finally decided to work on my dreams and what makes me happy. A question I always ask people is, take away the money, would you do it for the love? Would you continue to do what you do for the love? 

Property Management, the answer is no LOL but blogging and eventually becoming a published author, yes, working in fashion even if I am not a model, yes. I love fashion and I've known for a long time it was my calling. When I worked retail (hated it) but my coworkers would always call on me to help a customer put together an outfit because that's my thing. 

So my advice to that young man was to start now, while he has no kids, no wife, no bills, start. Although it's never too late to follow your dreams, going on a detour because of what this one and that one thinks you should do and because you must work a 9-5 to pay your adult bills does not help. We only get this one life, go with your gut, go with your heart, follow your dreams.

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