Thursday, March 2, 2017

What are you doing about it?

Lately life has been very stressful for me. Started a new job where I am doing four positions in one but being paid less, trying to make ends meet, apartment hunting because the place I moved into less than a year ago has been nothing short of a nightmare, while maintaining a store and trying to keep up with a blog... Oh and to add insult to injury, today I got into a car accident.

I found myself complaining more than usual lately and feeling sorry for myself because how much can one take?
However, I had to take a step back and think after having a discussion with my boyfriend.

What am I doing about it?

He basically reiterated something I've heard plenty of times before from my favorite motivational speakers and entrepreneurs but I guess it really hit home because I was hearing it from someone I know.

What am I doing about it?

Life is without a doubt tough but you cannot dislike your job and not come home and fill out job applications. You can't be unhappy with a friendship or relationship and not confront the situation.

I have a tendency to shut down when bad things happen (which is more often than I would like) but that does not solve the problem. Crying does not solve the problem. Blaming others does not solve the problem. You have to look in the mirror and take responsibility for where you are in life and like one of my favorite quotes says "If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree."

The problem with many people, including myself is, we get complacent. We are afraid of change because change is scary. Fear of the unknown. I've stayed with men because I was scared to move on and would rather be mistreated because it was 'familiar' than give someone new a try. Same with jobs, I know my job well so let me stay here and suffer.

No, no longer will I let life pass me by.

All these things you want to do, go do them! I know we all use the excuse of not having time but if we can dedicate 40+ hrs a week to another persons dream and then come home and give a TV show ratings, we can make time for our goals! You can go to sleep an hour later, you can cut that phone call short and you can skip that party.

Cry if you must but wipe those tears and get to work!

I will not be at my job forever. I will be financially stable doing something that I love. I will find a new apartment and eventually purchase a home. I will continue to provide content and merchandise for my blog and store and my car will be fixed. But it starts with me not feeling sorry for myself and making that first step.

Life can without a doubt be overwhelming...

But what are you doing about it?

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